WEDNESDAY NIGHT ACTIVITIES CANCELED with the approach of Hurricane Idalia.

We want our students to own their faith, grow spiritually, and invest in their peers for Christ

InView is a place for students at First Baptist Riverview, anywhere from 6th-12th grade. It's designed to be somewhere they can connect with God, build relationships with others, and have fun!

We exist to influence our friends, our classmates, our teammates, and ultimately our world to become thriving followers of Christ

We want our students to own their faith, grow spiritually, and invest in their peers for Christ

InView is a place for students at First Baptist Riverview, anywhere from 6th-12th grade. It's designed to be somewhere they can connect with God, build relationships with others, and have fun!

We exist to influence our friends, our classmates, our teammates, and ultimately our world to become thriving followers of Christ

We Meet

Sundays @ 9:30AM: LifeGroups

Small groups are a time to share life and challenge each other in our walk with Christ. There they can ask questions, grow closer to Jesus and build better relationships with other students.
We make it a priority to stay connected with like-minded people because we know that iron sharpens iron.  It's about living life alongside your favorite people.  
Right now, our LifeGroups meet in the Student Loft on the second story of the Education Building.  

Wednesdays @ 6:30PM: InView Worship

InView Worship is a service and message specifically geared toward students. Students will hear God’s Word taught as they worship together with their peers. It's also a space where they can bring non-church friends to connect with other students and be exposed to the Word of God. We meet in the Student Loft on the second story of the Education Building.  Come early, hang out, and play some games!

We Teach

Witnessing to
the World

We've been commissioned by Christ to share the good news. We should live every moment fulfilling this calling.

Changing through a Growing Faith

You cannot grow and stay the same. As God transforms your heart, the fruit of His work should be evident in your life.

Honoring Others
by Serving

Serving leads to impact; when you value people, you honor God. We need to be servant-hearted and service-oriented.

Investing in
God's Kingdom

This will be your greatest return and most worthwhile investment; it's what you were made to do. Use your money, time, and energy to help build God's Kingdom, not your own.

Doing Life Together,
not Apart

God designed the church to be in community, encouraging and challenging each other. We want to cultivate a community centered on Christ and ready to love and care for all people.

Child Safety

Please know your child’s safety is our first priority. All PreView and KidsView workers are carefully screened and background-checked. We employ many security measures to ensure your child's safety, including a security tag system for check-in and pick-up. Click here for more information.